This blog suggests why, as consumers, we should boycott Beijing Olympics 2008!

** International Burma Awareness on Youtube **

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Boycott Beijing Olympics 2008 for Burma

In seek of more natural resources that can fuel its high caliber of economic growth, China has been aligning with third world Asian and African countries, regardless of whether these countries have extremely poor human rights records.

In 2005, for instance, PetroChina signed an agreement with the Burmese dictatorship to obtain 6.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, China imported timber, gems, marbles, and other national resources from Burma. In exchange, China provided medicine, facilities, chemical products, agricultural technology, ... and above all, tanks, missiles, fighter planes, machine guns, ...

The current Burma is a military-state and a dictatorship. China is now the major supplier providing the Burmese dictatorship with 90% of its arms and amunition.

Human right reports indicate with photos and other solid evidence that the Burmese Army burns down villages, beats up children, and kills civilians. Some civilians become slaves working without any wages.

The Burmese Army also gang rapes women throughout Shan, Karen, Chin, and other states in Burma. To date, it is estimated that there are 2 million Burmese refugees. A huge number of people have been killed or died from disease and malnutrition with their homes destroyed.

The following video is dedicated to the boycott of Beijing Olympics 2008 for those Burmese who are suffering from the genocide committed by the Burmese dictatorship.


Dictator Watch

Free Burma Rangers

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