This blog suggests why, as consumers, we should boycott Beijing Olympics 2008!

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Boycott Olympics for Darfur - From a Youtuber

Beijing Olympics 2008 will be hosted by China.

However, in the name of economic development, China has been creating strong strategic alliance with some African dictators known to be evil, such as Sudan and Zimbabwe. China buys at least 70% of Sudan's most important export, namely, oil. In return, (according to Global Witness) Sudan has purchased about $100m in arms from China and has used these Chinese weapons against civilians in Darfur.

No more evil oil, or no Beijing Olympics 2008 in China!

A United Nations plan to send in an armed force to protect humanitarian workers and stop the killing was sidetracked last year when the Khartoum regime refused to let them in, and China abstained from the vote. Most foreign aid workers have withdrawn from the area for lack of protection.

As Professor Reeves has pointed out, it is time to begin shaming China. China's complicity in the Darfur genocide makes its Beijing Olympics slogan, 'One world, one dream' ironic.

Neither the US nor the European government is going to do anything. It is time to take the effort private. Beijing Olympics 2008 is a "peaceful" weapon for conquering the big dragon, China.

(This video is produced by a youtuber, "khalidelatyeb")

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