This blog suggests why, as consumers, we should boycott Beijing Olympics 2008!

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Beijing Olympics Renamed as Animal Olympics by Simon Clegg?

To defend against any boycott of Beijing Olympics, Simon Clegg, the British Olympic Association chief executive, has submissively agreed to the Chinese Communist Party propaganda that no one should "politicize" the Olympics. He has also implied that Human Rights problems in China is some "politics" that he and his association will not consider because they are "apolitical"!

If the Olympics no longer respects human rights and human value, should it be considered as an event for human beings at all? Can we call the Olympics "Animal Olympics" from now on? I suppose we may add to it events such as pig racing and cockroach racing! Why would the Olympics be restricted to human beings anyway?

I believe the committee members of the International Olympics Committee would not really mind after all. In their minds, human rights and human value are nothing compared to the sports event itself.

By treating human rights issues as political issues and by maintaining itself "apolitical", the International Olympics Committee may as well be called "International Animal Olympics Committee". Why would any of these apolitical members of the committee care anyway if they are indifferent to human rights. Calling their association an "animal organization" or calling the Olympics the "Animal Olympics" should not be a problem. I believe these apolitical people will accept the new name "peacefully"!

In any case, since Simon Clegg, the British Olympic Association chief executive, has openly declared that he is apolitical towards Human Rights issues, we can safely call him an "animal" and the British Olympic Association "the British Animal Olympic Association"! A person being apolitical on any human rights issues should certain be indifferent to being called an "animal" anyway! The Chinese Communist Party which has never respected much human rights in China can be called the "Chinese Animal Communist Party"! And no complain please cause we should keep everything "apolitical"!


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